Tap or click the logo for more information on the advertising partner(s) you’re interested in. If you’re on a mobile phone, tapping the respective phone number will populate your dialer, making calling easy!
Angel Food Catering734-697-1100
Brick and Level Masonry586-303-8222
Brighton Weight Loss810-374-0304
Foundation Restoration1-877-739-1519
Foundations Tree Experts734-474-3336
Fundamental Healing248-601-0234
Scott Goodwin Law1-888-GOODWIN
Grace Centers of Hope855-HELP-GCH
Grosse Pointe Spine Center313-332-0388
Gudeman & Associates248-546-2800
Home Loan Specialists734-838-3038
Jack Demmer Ford734-641-6146
The James Clinic636-751-9440
JCS Tree Care248-965-9055
Kelly Capital Partners248-621-3000
Kitchen Expo Design Center586-977-9555
Kozak’s Collision and Auto Repair586-445-0733
Lake Lazer Eye Center1-877-U-SEE-MORE
Lingonier MinistriesR.C. Sproul800-435-4343
Michigan Retirement Group313-2-RETIRE
Mother Waddles313-WADDLES
Oasis Heating and Cooling586-854-9278
Pain Free Life Centers248-879-1100
RC Heat and Cool586-991-5990
Residential Resurrection586-206-1530
Resurrection Brick248-946-9858
Rivers Chiropractic586-739-8824
Sound Mind Acupuncture248-277-5576
Trailways Transports313-828-2802
Victors Home Solutions734-228-4614
WeatherGard Windows1-800-55-WEATHER
Wills & Trusts NOW!!248-546-2800
103.5FM | WMUZ | The Light