
If you were born, human being created by God Almighty, between the years 1997-2012 you are a member, like it or not, of the newest generation in America:
You would be of the age 11-26.
Therefore, you are so informed, you and your Gen-Z compatriots have little if any interest in RELIGION, whatever that means. In the extreme, perhaps that means you have no interest in faith, or no faith in your life. Do you?
I personally know a multitude of young, wonderful people that age, who are strong, passionate:
Do you?
And more, you Gen-Z’er. You have little interest in patriotism, so these progressive pundits say. You are not willing to protect and defend your country, your freedoms, your constitution, in fact, your way of life. If you are 30 and under, is that you? Do you have little concern, love, passion, or commitment to your country, to the America in which you are blessed to live? Is that you?
Some of the most Passionate Patriots I know are THE YOUNG, 30 and under. They know what the real America is all about and are willing to do whatever it takes to protect this country, its freedoms, and their way of life, in any way possible. Is that you?
Don’t you just despise generalities like that?
And, you Gen-Z’er, you have little or no interest in marriage and virtually no interest in having children. Is that you? I know any number of wonderful people 30 and under who are married with children, raising families with the blessing of God, and I am privileged to have any number of them in my very own company. Do you eschew marriage and do you, man or woman, not wish to have children of your own? Such generalizations for millions of young people are ludicrous, inaccurate, false, and even
fraudulent and perhaps politically purposeful in a very negative way.
And even more. You are supposedly a member of a generation that has a very poor
work ethic, cares more about self rather than others, and is negative, critical, and
indifferent to the norms of society, and the morality of the past. Is that you?
Again, I know dozens and dozens of human beings, God-created, 30 and under, who
are exactly the opposite.
The real YOUNG PEOPLE of today are people of faith. They have strong faith in Jesus
Christ, living out that faith in a passionate young way. They are patriots believing in
the real America, working to change and solve its problems, all the while protecting its
fundamental concepts of freedom, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, equality, and
justice for all. They are married or will be. They will then have children, God willing.
The real young Americans, the real Gen-Z’ers are workers, people of strong work ethic
and commitment, workmen and work women, worthy of their hire. Those are the Gen-
Z’ers I know, and like, and respect, and have the highest hopes for turning over my
America to them and not the stereotypes, negative and demeaning, individuals who
woke, progressive, radical, anti-Americans described and categorized in such negative
You and I, human beings, all, were created by the God of the universe, the Father of
our Lord Jesus Christ, as unique individuals. There is no human generalization or
categorization which can apply to any of us. Every human being thinks differently,
more or less. Believes differently, more or less. Lives life differently. Works and plays
differently. Worships differently. EVERY HUMAN BEING IS DIFFERENT! He or she is
not Gen-Z, not millennial, not baby-boomer, not a member of the so-called silent
generation, but a unique, specially crafted, INDIVIDUAL, different from any other and
striving to be better in every way. Those are the young, the 30 and under I know,
respect, and believe in. If you are of that age, privileged to be young, with many more
years of productive life to live, I pray that you are:
That you will be all that you can be and that you will never fall victim to some
generation, age, or category classification. Just like so many of those RIGHT young
people 30 and under whom I know so very well, productive, faithful, patriotic, believers
in marriage and children, and with a work ethic as good as anyone anywhere. I
personally thank God for every individual male and female in my company, 30 and
under, who brings fresh vision, commitment, passion, the dynamic of youth, and the
love for:
the twin pillars of the right, ethical, and moral life. If you are 30 or under, I pray that
is you. We should be about the business of encouraging the young, educating and
edifying, for they are the ones who will replace us, live in a world and an American
society far different from ours, face challenges not before faced, and be responsible to
our God with risks and rewards intensified as never before. They will battle an enemy
internal, determined to destroy and seize power, control, and demand conformity.
Their faith in God and Country will be challenged like never before. The courage the
young will need will increase day by day and it is absolutely critical that their vision be
clear, bold, and steadfast, just like that which so many young 30 and under in my
company exhibit and live by.
The young who inherit America must have a new grit, a rekindled passion, and a
mental fortitude that allows them to endure intimidation, threat, even violence, and of
course criticism, backlash, slander, and opposition. They will be tested like never
before, tested like we of previous generations never experienced.
Thankfully, I know many, many young people 30 and under who are that way,
TOUGH. They are ready for the fight of faith. They are anxious to run the race and win
the prize. In them, there is no quit, no give-up. They will not be bullied or intimidated.
They know in whom they have believed, and they are persuaded that HE IS ABLE and
together, they are invincible.
They, the real young, are biblically guided. They are Holy Spirit-led. They know right
from wrong. They learn, grow, and work for the night is coming. This generation of
young Americans has the God-given potential to be the best of any, THE BEST! It has
to be because the challenges have never been greater. I have seen enough of the right
thinking, right living, and right believing young Americans, 30 and under, young
human beings, GOD-CREATED to whom I’d gladly turn over my beloved country and
to whom I pledge my allegiance as they FIGHT THE FIGHT OF FAITH. I only wish I had
the years they have to serve God and Country.
Encourage them, WE THE OLDER. Support them, give to them. Guide them. Advise
them. Share wisdom. For in them, ALL THINGS WORK TOGETHER FOR GOOD, in the
purpose and rule of God, and for the incredible America in which we and they have
been privileged to live.
Categories and stereotypes are dead wrong, DEAD WRONG! There is purpose,
meaning, and individuality for every human being, no matter the age. YOU ARE YOU!
May every privileged young person 30 and under be all that he or she can be as God
intended. The more of them I know, the better. The more of them who work for CBC,
the better. For, my fellow Americans, there is only one category that matters. And that
is whether one is fully committed to Jesus Christ, born again, saved by Grace. That
category is real Christian:
No other category matters, none.


Episode 230-The SCOTUS and Donald Trump


Will the U.S. Supreme Court overturn the Colorado Supreme Court decision removing Donald Trump from the Republican Party Primary ballot?  What do we make of those, including Vivek Ramaswamy and Nikki Haley, calling for Trump to remain on the ballot-is it constitutional fidelity or political theater? What impact, if any, has Donald Trump had on Christianity in America?  Is Christianity in the U.S. better off now than in 2015?


Episode 229-The Changing Virtues in American Society


Episode 229-The Changing Virtues in American Society: While most Americans no longer hold a biblical worldview regarding morals and values, neither do the majority of professing Christians.  The National Crawford Roundtable looks at this and several stories reported over the last few days that allow us to address this phenomenon.  The guys review the resignation of Harvard President Claudine Gay over plagiarism charges and the reasons her credentials went largely unchecked until now.  They also look into the in-depth analysis of the fact that more Progressives are changing their tune on the National Debt, wondering if there might be such a thing as too much of it.  And what about a new report that Gen Z young adults have given up on the so-called "American Dream" and are more apt to adopt an "enjoy life now' mentality rather than build for the future?  Is hard work no longer an American virtue?  If so, how do Christian Conservative Americans work to reverse this trend?  How is this impacting the Church and the professing Christian community on the whole?


New Year 2024 – America


We live, my fellow Americans, in the greatest nation in the history of mankind. There is not, nor has there ever been, a nation like:
It is a nation conceived in freedom. It treasures and fosters democracy. It is a constitutional nation, and it is a nation where, as Dr. Martin Luther King so well said, if in fact its citizens live up to its constitution, treasure it, believe in it, and enforce it, all men and women who are created equal can live a life to the fullest.
AMERICA. What is America to you? Do you understand your country, your nation, its history, its purpose and meaning, the reality of the:
Do you? Right-thinking men and women thank God every day, EVERYDAY, for the privilege of living in America and being an American. Do you? Are you a grateful citizen, are you proud to be an American, and since this great country can do so much for you, remember the words of President John F. Kennedy, who admonished us to:
That in my opinion should be the motto of every real American.
THE AMERICAN CONSTITUTION. Please read it. Do your best to understand it. Study anything which helps you understand the incredible rights, privileges, and duties which are yours as a citizen and as an American. Think always about the First Amendment to that Constitution, perhaps the finest words, rights, privileges, opportunities, and expressions of freedom ever written in the history of mankind. The First Amendment of America’s Constitution allows you full and unabridged freedom of:
These precious freedoms are the very best that can be offered to any human being and they are essential, priorities, GUARANTEED to every man and woman by this Constitution and its very precious First Amendment. Read it, know it, treasure it, and thank God for it.
RULE OF LAW. It is watered down, ignored, or even eliminated in this woke and radical, anti-American day and age. Lawlessness in the end times, says the scripture, prevails and runs rampant. That is happening today. Stand up, my fellow Americans, to lawlessness and insist upon the rule of law, insist upon the concept of:
There is risk in so doing, but the reward is well worth the risk.
RIGHT AND WRONG. There are those today that think there is no such thing as right and wrong. There is no absolute truth. This is the day and age of:
We live in an age which many describe as:
That is, we live in a culture where there is no such thing as absolute truth and consequently, the lie, that which is not truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, is the law of the land. WRONG, dead wrong. There is right and wrong, there is truth, and never forget in this great year 2024, the words of our Lord Jesus Christ:
Believe in Him and you will know the truth indeed.
STAND. Stand tall for America. Protect it. Founding Fathers were willing to die for it. Are you? Am I? Are there enough Americans left who are willing to do whatever is required to protect and defend the greatest land in the history of mankind?
So much of the world despises, even hates America. Perhaps that is because we live hypocritically, we do not stand tall for our ideals, our freedoms, and our way of life, and we are not consistent, constantly compromising, and so often not holding individuals and nations accountable for their actions. We the People need to redefine who we are as a nation, make those ideals, values, and standards clear, and stand for them no matter the cost, now more than ever in the great year 2024.
POLITICAL INVOLVEMENT. We the People need to be far more politically involved. Especially Christian citizens. We need to be active in government. We need to take positions of authority locally and to make certain our neighborhoods, towns, and
cities, are safe, law-abiding, and true to American ideals, its constitution, rule of law, and way of life. WE THE PEOPLE NEED TO STAND UP! We need to make certain right-thinking and right-acting men and women are elected to office, who will truly represent us, and even more importantly, our Constitution, rule of law, and all that America should be. WE THE PEOPLE NEED TO MAKE CERTAIN THAT HAPPENS! If not, we need to speak out critically so, aggressively, withhold financing, and our vote, and where necessary, exercise the process of recall and do whatever we can to get elected or appointed officials unworthy of citizen trust out of office and authority. WE THE PEOPLE NEED TO STAND UP BEFORE ITS TOO LATE!
WOKE, THE PROGRESSIVE, THE ANTI-AMERICAN. They are everywhere, EVERYWHERE! They are determined to effectuate radical change or even in so many cases, the destruction of the American way of life. They would water down or eliminate much of our Constitution, curtail our freedoms, control family and education, and change the way we live, think, and believe. DON’T LET IT HAPPEN MY FELLOW AMERICANS, DON’T LET IT HAPPEN! Time is short. America needs right-thinking Americans in action now more than ever.
PRIDE. Be proud 2024 to be an American. Be proud to be a citizen of the real America, the constitutional America, with its freedoms, and be proud to stand tall as America beckons, asking you now more than ever to be a soldier in the fight for freedom.
Wear the flag, salute the military, proudly sing, and respect the National Anthem:
Pray that God will bless America, convicted of its wrong doings, and once again make it the city on the hill, the shining light among nations, a country safe and protected for us today and for our descendants tomorrow. Let us proudly sing in 2024:


Navigating the Christmas Season

Host Chris Ayotte, afternoon drive host of the Chris Ayotte Show on WMUZ Radio in Detroit hosts Pastors Josh Shockey, Eric Thiede, and Matt Garon of the Motor City Church in downtown Detroit.


Episode 226-Should Christians Encourage Their Kids to Go to College?


In this episode of the National Crawford Roundtable podcast we discuss whether Christian parents should encourage their kids to attend college.  Is it really worth it?  With ungodly world views shaping issues taught in colleges, what is the risk that it teaches our kids to be intolerant, Left-Wing, Marxist, Communist, Global Warming obsessed, Evolution-believing, abortion-supporting, LGBT celebrating, gender-confused, Democrat voting former Christians?  Is that really worth a (possibly) higher paycheck?  And what about the expense of college?  Does being riddled with debt outweigh the necessity of a degree?  What is it about Academia today that makes it so evil?


Episode 225-Anti-Semitism and the Hatred for Israel


In this episode of the National Crawford Roundtable podcast we discuss anti-Semitism, the hatred for Israel, and the Progressive Left's reluctance to condemn atrocities against Israeli women.  Karine Jean-Pierre refused to condemn U.S. Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal for her CNN interview where she created a moral equivalency between Hamas violently gang-raping Jewish women, and Israel.  Several weeks ago Representative Rashida Tlaib refused to condemn the beheading of Israeli babies.  The U.N. took 8 weeks to finally acknowledge and condemn the raping of  Israeli women, but only after conservative media pressure.  The rape reports are so horrendous that they involve women's pelvis' being broken, their female body parts being cut off, and more.  Progressive women's groups have also been mostly silent.  With the exception of a handful of isolated Democrats, the Democratic Party as a whole has refused to condemn their fellow Democrats for downplaying this evil against Israeli women, nor has Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Hakeem Jeffries, Nancy Pelosi, etc.  Why are college-age adults supporting  Hamas over Israel?  What is driving this hatred for Israel and the darkness that allows Progressive Americans not to be shocked or outraged by these kinds of atrocities?