The Vote – The Christian Vote


Do you intend to vote in this critical November election, do you?
Are you registered to vote so that, unlike many others, you are a legally qualified voter?
America needs your vote, YOUR VOTE! America needs your informed vote, a vote that is educated in the issues, understands the essential workings of politics and the government, and assuming you are Christian, voting for candidates and issues with the direction and guidance of your Christian conscience.
For many Christians, they seem to find reasons not to vote. If those Christians find the candidates personality, or private life, or public image objectionable, that gives them reasons, really excuses, for non-participation, for not voting. And that, my fellow Americans and fellow Christians, is simply dead wrong. As Troy Miller, President and CEO of NRB, the National Religious Broadcasters Association:
“I urge Christians who are so inclined to pivot from personality and
take a closer look at policy.”
That is a strong message to those conservative Americans and Christian Americans that if, for example, you do not like the personality, or the private life, or the public image of Donald Trump, those are not reasons for you not to vote for Donald Trump. If in fact Trump and his party represent and will champion and defend the policies and political decisions which are consistent with your Christian values.
Dr. George Barna has produced a new survey indicating that:
“Theologically defined evangelicals (are you one?) are no more likely than
anyone else to be attentive to news about politics and government.”
That is a sad, sad indeed conclusion and I do hope that you are not one of those evangelicals who doesn’t care, isn’t involved, and doesn’t intend to vote. You and I have, so many believe, a theological duty to be involved to the extent we can in the political process and most importantly, in every meaningful election:
That Barna survey indicates that an estimated 7 million evangelicals, in swing states no less, did not participate or vote in the 2020 President Election. If those 7 million registered and potential voters actually did vote, the outcomes and elections of candidates up and down the ballot would have been entirely different. And that was in so-called swing states alone.
Generally, across America and in all states, the Barna survey estimates that one third, 33%, of all evangelicals did not vote or participate in the political process in 2020! One third. If there are, as many think, as many as 75 million so-called theologically defined evangelicals in America, that means according to the Barna survey that as many as:
That is a startling and frankly sickening survey conclusion and they discredit and disgrace not only the privilege of American citizenship, but to our very Lord himself! As many as 25 million registered American citizen voters in 2020, says Barna, did not even simply bother to vote. To me, and to so many others, that is just simply unbelievable, UNBELIEVABLE! That led Troy Miller to state in his article:
I do hope and pray that you, if in fact you are Christian and Evangelical Christian, are not one of those 25 million. You and I have the unbelievable privilege of being citizens of the greatest country in the history of mankind. At least, it once was. We live in a country where true freedom exists, or at least it used to. We the People, all people, including Christians, all people of faith or not of faith, have freedom of religion, complete unabridged freedom of religion, and the very same total and complete freedom of speech, and press, and no government, including and especially the Federal Government, can in any way interfere with or abridge those precious, inalienable, God-given through the constitution, freedoms we enjoy, and now have begun to assume and take for granted.
We also have freedom of petition. We can say what we want, ask what we feel is right to do, complain, criticize, compliment, and express what we believe to anyone who acts as our political leader at any level of government. They are duty-bound to listen, read, understand, and respond, whether or not they do. That is our constitutional right.
Perhaps most importantly as Christians, we have the constitutional and First Amendment right to assemble. That is, to form, support, attend, and be involved in the functions of a church or any type of religious organization. No one, including and especially the Federal Government, can prevent any American from worshipping as he or she pleases in any venue as he or she may wish and the slightest abridgement of that freedom is constitutionally wrong, illegal, and cannot be tolerated.
WE, THE EVANGELICAL PEOPLE, are free, we have been given these freedoms, we can partake of them without fear of retribution and with those freedoms, those benefits, those assets, we consequently have the duty, the God-required, American citizen-required, duty to protect, defend, and to be involved in the processes (voting) which involves the protection and continuation of those freedoms. Therefore, it seems perfectly clear that we as Christians, and perhaps especially as evangelical Christians, do in fact have the:
Are you registered to vote?
Do you intend to vote?
Will you encourage others, especially other evangelicals, to vote, will you?
If you claim those freedoms as your rights, and I hope and pray you do, than as a result of those rights, you have the duty to protect those freedoms, to be informed, educated in the political process to the extent you can, and most importantly, to participate:
None of the freedoms which we enjoy as Americans exist in Russia, or North Korea, or China, or Iran, or many of the other Far Eastern countries, and socialism abounds in many Western countries which were once more democratic and those people in so many parts of the world yearn for the freedoms we enjoy and take for granted as Americans and are probably stunned to learn that so many of us simply do not care, are not engaged, and do not:
So many men and women the world over and in all of history died to either get or protect those freedoms and if this political-voting lethargy, which exists in so many parts of America continues, that day may soon come when the blood of freedom loving individuals, real American freedom patriots, must be shed if those freedoms are to be protected and preserved. That will sagacious vice of former and early U. S. President Thomas Jefferson. He was right, perhaps dead right. America is changing and may radically change, the loss of freedoms expedited depending upon the results of Elections 2024, especially if evangelicals do not participate, do not vote as it is estimated some 25 million did not in 2020.
Please vote my fellow Christians. Protect our constitutional freedoms for yourself, your spouse, your children, your family, your friends, and all Americans. AMERICA NEEDS YOU INVOLVED AND YOUR VOTE NOW 2024 MORE THAN EVER!


Episode 265-Thru the Bible Interview and Trump/Harris Debate


In this episode of the National Crawford Roundtable podcast, the guys talk with Steve Shwetz from Thru the Bible ministry as they celebrate over 50 years on air. John and Bob will then talk about last night's Presidential debate. How well did each candidate present themselves? What topics covered in the debate are at the top of the list of Christian concerns?


Episode 264-Hostage Deaths, Trump Issues, and the JD Vance Choice


In this episode of the National Crawford Roundtable Podcast the guys review several issues. What is the reaction to the execution of 6 more hostages by Hamas? Is this Netanyahu's fault? What issues and talking points does Trump need to focus on in the next 8 weeks? Is he causing himself damage by waffling on the life issue? Was JD Vance the best choice for Trump's Vice Presidential running mate? Is he helping or hurting Trump's campaign?


Labor Day – Work


Work is good. Work is necessary for the fulfillment of every human being. Work is required of every person according to his or her capabilities and talents, so sayeth the Scripture. All of us must work to survive, live, grow and profit and be all that we can be and as God intended us to be.

Our very own America was built on hard work, and is in fact itself a work in progress. The progress depends upon us, we the people, how hard we work and how we make things happen. The majority of we the American people are hard workers. And, the harder and the better we work, the better America and all of us are. To be sure, nothing comes easy in this life, nothing. Everything we have or enjoy is the product of hard work by someone, whether you, or me, or someone else. You and I must do our share, accomplish our calling for the very short time we have on this precious earth. Life, said the wisest man of old King Solomon, is but a vapor here today and gone so soon tomorrow. We should make every working day count to the fullest.

Pioneers built our country. They were men and women who did little but work hard morning till night. They farmed land never before productive. They raised animals and used them for work and feed. They built houses, and churches, and City Halls. They built roads and bridges. They built autos and trucks. They built hospitals and invented medicines. They designed and manufactured clothing. They created places for entertainment and worship. They built elaborate and majestic campuses for education and things theological. They built laboratories and science centers and they sent us deep into space. They were then and we are now the workers who made America great, America, the most exciting, creative human and social experiment in all of history. You and I should be proud of them and we should be proud to be workers like they were. The more we work, the better we are, caught up, energized and thrilled by the spirit of America, our exceptional opportunity to pursue our dreams and to build our future. America and those who believe in what it stands for are indeed EXCEPTIONAL and we have been blessed by EQUALLY EXCEPTIONAL opportunity. As we work, we should do everything possible to protect and defend the opportunities, lifestyles and freedoms which America offers.

How wonderful it is that the talent and ability of every individual God-Made is different, unique. It is marvelous indeed that every single person has talent and gifts which are in fact different. That is true divine diversity. None of us are better at least not in the sight of God, but different only. Each of us has our own special CALLING. So, no matter who you are, YOU are special and it is your right but every bit as importantly your duty to utilize those God-given talents to the fullest. It is your duty to fulfill your calling. So then, we should not be concerned with what others think nor should we judge what we do and how we work by the standards of others. Nor should we be inhibited by their criticism. For we need to know ourselves, be true to that special self and soul which God has created and through prayer and meditation, come to a full recognition of those talents and be the very person God intended that you and I be. We can fail, but we can bounce back. The opportunity for growth and change is still available in America, thank God. Ignore rejection and focus on your calling.

So then, my fellow Americans, you may be called to be a mother. Be all that you can be as a mother for the sake of your children and do your God-given calling with all of your might. Or perhaps you are secretary, or babysitter. Perhaps you clean for a living. Recognize all such work as a calling and do your calling with all of your might. Or perhaps you are plumber, electrician, landscaper, restaurant worker. Do your calling with all of your might and as you can, as unto the Lord. Or perhaps you are lawyer, accountant, radio salesperson, financial planner. Do your calling with all of your might. And if you are the President of anything, including the President of our great United States, you perhaps have a calling with higher standards, duties and demands. No one should do a calling better than you WITH ALL OF YOUR MIGHT!

So, we work, we produce and as we do, we should expect return which of course includes money and profit. We work for economic growth and benefit, for the fruit of our labors. We follow the biblical prescription that we can expect even with minimum work product the return of that work one for one. Or perhaps, five to one. Or even as Scripture indicates, perhaps as much as ten to one or more as we diligently develop and exploit those talents and capabilities through hard work. The money return from our work, efforts, creativity and initiative is blessed by Scripture. That money return is right, as we become work men and work women worthy of our hire. We plant, as Scripture says, and Mother Nature waters and it is GOD who gives the increase so the Scriptures say. It is a good thing to make money and to be rewarded for our work. Money supports. Money helps others. Money creates opportunity. The best of us at work, hard work, is exactly what this world of so many ENTITLED needs now more than ever. In fact, hard and productive work is so necessary for this world of entitlements in which we live in order for it to survive and continue. It is well and good indeed to help those all in real need. But all who can, any and all including those receiving entitlements, should work as they can.

But today, unfortunately it seems, there are those supposedly progressive in thinking who wish to tell us that profit is wrong, especially in excess. That profit made is the result of GREED at work. Profit they say is not as a result of hard work or special skills, but rather the exploitation of others. Ignore them. You are worthy of the profit and gain of anything you produce at any level of life. The more you invest as a mother, the better your child, perhaps better than others. Enjoy the fruit, the profit of your labors. When you build something, revel in the fruit of your labors and do it with all of your might, and better than others. For no matter what progressives or others would say, YOU DID IN FACT BUILD IT, and you did build it yourself. In fact, so much of what is built would not have been built without you or me. Revel in, enjoy and profit from anything and everything YOU BUILT!

But work produces much more than money. Those who understand the value of work realize full well that the doing well of anything is the reward itself! The satisfaction, the fulfillment, the full expression of the self among mankind and before God are THE BEST REWARDS. They are indeed more valuable than money for money comes and goes. But the rewards of work well done last a lifetime and are in fact eternal. We create an earthly balance sheet, personal financial and loss statements here and now, but it is the ETERNAL balance sheet which really counts. Nothing goes with you, no matter what you leave behind, but only the heavenly balance sheet you create. For there is always something more, often much more than the work itself or the profit therefrom. There is good, often enormous good in work well done and even very spiritual good. See that clearly as part of the goal of your calling and WORK which only adds to the return and the enjoyment.

So, the work we do can be not only for money, or profit, but for non-profit. For worthy causes. For the good of society in which we live. For all humanity, especially those in need. For the Christian Church and for the Christ we love and serve. For blood drives. For HIV awareness and treatment. For feeding and sheltering the homeless. For carrying the message of the Gospel to forsaken and needy parts of America and the world. Shepherding and guiding children. Tending to the needs of the elderly. Visiting and comforting those in prison.


All of these things make us what we should be before the Lord and our fellow man.

So many of us are people of faith. But our faith, sayeth Scripture, without works is dead. Whatever you believe, whatever your faith, there is no way for anyone to know whether or not it is real except by your works. Talk is cheap. But by the fruits of your labors your fellow human beings will know you. If there is in fact a work of God in you, a CALLING, a life objective, the works that you do will prove to others who you are. What you and I do not do also proves who we are. The great thinking Dietrich Bonhoeffer said that not to act is to act. Negative actions, doing nothing, can be as potent negatively as actual action itself.

Unfortunately, there are those who do deceitful works and works of iniquity. They are known for their fraudulent and deceitful acts. They work not for the good of mankind, but only for themselves, for ego, for elicit gain in a deceitful way. Their works and their lives are in vain. William Shakespeare said that the evil that men do lives after them, the legacy they make and that evil is the only thing remembered here and in eternity.

So, it is our duty to study, to grow ourselves in our career and constantly make ourselves better, so that we can show ourselves approved as work men and women, understanding the objectives, values and priorities which are ours, always growing in our understanding, especially the Scriptures so that we can be approved by God before him as well as man. Learning, whether a trade or in law, or by gaining experience and growing or by learning from others, or the school of hard knocks, and by mistakes, learning standards of excellence to which we can aspire so that we can be all, ALL we can be, working with all of our might knowing in this world that indeed the night is coming where no man can work. Work while you can and the best you can.

In this life, we slow down, age or perhaps lose interest or motivation, and of course energy and our ability to work dissipates or even ends. With that ends opportunity and potential and we may not have finished what we are called to do. Some retire, or quit, or are forced to retire prematurely. Some of us are fortunate enough to finish and accomplish our objectives and purposes, while others can not. For us, we are fortunate that even Jesus of Nazareth said in John’s Gospel that he had in fact finished the work for which the Father had sent him. He had accomplished His objectives, fulfilled His purposes and He did so to His last dying breath. Our goal, like HIS should be to finish our work, the work for which we were sent by God and meant to do. That is the greatest fulfillment this life can offer.

We are called upon by God Almighty to live every day to the fullest. CARPE DIEM my fellow Americans, seize the day. It is the day which the Lord hath made and for you to work and be productive. Worry not about tomorrow, or the criticism, expectations or even the rejections of any man. It has its own problems-evil-which you can not control or do anything about. But, rather think in terms of how precious every minute of every hour of every day is, and rejoice in that. Maximize the opportunity that minute brings and, whatever your hand finds to do, YOUR CALLING, do it with all of your might. Every God-given minute is indeed an opportunity there once never to return. So that everything we do, everything no matter how menial works together for good. The joy of living is so special. We are told by our Lord that He is come that we might have life in its most ABUNDANT form and that our joy, OUR TOTAL JOY may be full. There is joy in every moment, as we work, as we rest, as we play, as we love others and as we understand who we are and:


Those who love to work and love as much to be productive and make things happen know that the ultimate reward for such work is:


No matter the accolades of man, or profit, or any other earthly benefit, the ultimate reward, the ultimate satisfaction is the work itself. Nothing feels better to any right-thinking person than a job well done, having done the best you can with all of your might.

So then, for the Christian, there is something even greater than works. There is GRACE, saving grace. And no manner of works can ever equal that. The grace at God at work trumps the works of any man, but when added to works, leads to the complete fulfillment of that life. We can and should be proud of the works we do, but the work of God in Jesus Christ, saving grace through Him is the greatest work of all. The combination of grace producing work, the right work is the very best thing in life.

So, my fellow Americans, work hard. Work well, with purpose. Know your calling. Do what you were CALLED to do, and do it in each and every minute, hour and day of your life. Do what your Creator would have you do and you will find fulfillment in that work and in your life. It matters not whether you are housewife or President, millionaire or middle class, never forget that:



We need not the approval or recognition of mankind however enjoyable that may be. We need to work to be approved by God, who knows us, our every thought and deed. His approval is all that matters.

I and the Crawford Broadcasting Company honor all of the men and women in America who work, and work hard, and make America, family and friends, and all of us so much better and especially those who work as unto the Lord. Find the work you love to do, really love to do and you will never work a day in your life!

God bless you work men and women worthy of your hire and it is because of you that:



Episode 263-The Trump and Harris Campaigns


In this episode of the Crawford Roundtable Podcast, the guys talk about the happenings in the Trump and Harris campaigns.  RFK, Jr. has ended his presidential campaign and is endorsing Donald Trump--how will that affect Trump's bid for the White House?  Should Trump debate?  Why or why not?  Lila Rose's comment on 'X'--where does she stand with Trump/Vance?  What does the Harris Tax Plan really mean?  And why is it that Tim Walz can't tell the truth?




George Barna, he of the ARIZONA CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY, may well be the most respected Christian surveyist in America. In a survey he conducted, released August 6, 2024, on CHRISTIAN EVANGELICALISM and Christianity in America, the Barna survey said the following:
“The cultural awareness sparked by the Covid pandemic and the 2024 Presidential campaign has led millions of Americans to realize just how depraved American society has become. Corrupt politicians, dishonest journalists and media outlets, broken social institutions, immoral religious leaders, unconstitutional government programs and policies, and more, have generated non-stop headlines highlighting the decadence of American society and the demise of the United States.”
That, my fellow Americans and fellow Christians, may be the most damning judgment of our great country in many years. The depth of the depravity in America, says Barna, is shocking. And it really is with no end in sight. The real reason for this satanic cultural decline says Barna:
“is a direct result of the spiritual collapse of Christianity in our nation.”
Barna is right. The once dynamic of Christianity in America does indeed seem gone, tarnished, diminished, of little force and effect, not only nationally and generally, but individually as well.
The survey found that this steep cultural decline emanates from the dramatic transformation in the evangelical community in the United States during the past 30 years. Real evangelicals, however that is defined, seem to be far fewer in number and even more importantly far less biblical in their thinking and beliefs. There has come about the growth of SYNCRETISM, which is a worldview that combines core beliefs and behaviors from a variety of other well-defined worldviews such as Marxism, Secular Humanism, Eastern Mysticism, and Postmodernism. Individuals, in other words, offer their own worldview, belief system, and ultimate values with core beliefs gathered from any number of sources and the Barna survey indicates that as many as 9 out of 10 adults are in fact categorized by this CUT-AND-PASTE approach to their philosophy of life. That also means that any absolute truth claimed by scripture, THE BIBLE, is unacceptable or only acceptable in part, and Christianity, once a dynamic, monolithic force in America and the world, no longer exists. SYNCRETISM has won out over Christianity!
Christians, evangelical Christians, what is left of them, now vote in far fewer numbers than once believed. They are simply far less active in the political process and seem to have little concern for results, so says Barna.
And more, most evangelicals do not possess a biblical worldview with only about one third of so-called evangelicals doing so. In fact, says the Barna survey, evangelicals are more likely to be shaped by the culture around them, than they are to influence that culture or even more importantly, evangelize it.
So then, the ultimate question then becomes:
If the absolute truths of the Bible, the gospel message, the old and new testaments are at best guides and syncretized with other religions and worldviews, and beliefs and values, and that affects evangelicals, what really is an evangelical and what does a real evangelical believe?
Several decades ago, it was thought that there was some 60-70 million adults who were in fact bible believing evangelicals. Barna estimates that today, that figure could be as low as 25-30 million adults. I, for one, do hope and pray that is wrong, for an aggressive, moral, committed, right-thinking and living evangelical is a critical component of the American society.
Barna then goes on to state, as a result of his most recent survey, that the following priorities and beliefs are foundational for the current day evangelical.
First, God is the all-knowing (omniscient), all-powerful, just and perfect creator of the universe.
God is the basis of all truth, and those truths are conveyed to us through the Bible.
The purpose of life is to fully know, love, and serve God with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength.
Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life, and there is no other besides him.
Satan, representing all evil, truly exists and is the author of the current immoral society.
All humans are born into sin and can only escape the consequences through Jesus Christ.
All such beliefs are incorporated in the Bible, its 66 books, and do in fact comprise basic tenets of belief which a real and true evangelical must embrace and adopt. Do you, as Christian, real Christian, believe in those Christian fundamental and basic tenets, do you?
The Barna survey then concludes that as many as 7 out 10 so-called evangelicals do not believe in all of those tenets and of more concern, reject the idea that truth is absolute and biblically based. Small wonder that Christianity is on the decline and no longer acts as the antidote to the immoral decline in American society.
It is indeed tragic that there are millions of evangelicals who do not vote, so concludes George Barna, are not active in the political process, do not seem to care about political happenings, candidates, or events, and otherwise totally ignore and walk away from their citizenship responsibilities. When these good men and women abandon the political arena, the very bad, immoral men and women take over, exercise power, work to foster things anti-Christian, and further enhance the immoral decay and slide of this once great country. Time, survival time, for all of us, for American democracy, runs out.
More Barna findings. As many as 50% of so-called evangelicals believe that eternal salvation can in fact be earned through good works, something directly contrary to the strong teachings of scripture.
Almost 50% believe, says Barna, that there is no absolute moral truth, again something absolutely contrary to biblical teaching.
And this survey found, shockingly so, that somewhat more than one out of every five so-called evangelicals prefer SOCIALISM TO CAPITALISM! In short, it seems that even the modern-day evangelical has been syncretized, believes something from scripture but otherwise believes whatever they want to believe or whatever they think is right to believe. Small wonder, my fellow Christians, that there is an amazing, considerable, seemingly irreversible immoral decline and slide in America, its culture, politics, and beliefs.
Are you a Christian, and are you an evangelical Christian, and if so, what do you believe, what do you really believe and what is the foundation for those beliefs, the source, the reality of those beliefs? The power of the gospel at work in the lives of individuals, individuals by the millions, is the only real thing which can impact, change, and reverse the immoral slide in this once great country. So that, say many, our motto should not be GOD BLESS AMERICA, but GOD HELP AMERICA! And powerful, moral, people of faith, at work, in control, and dynamic in influence are the only ones who can reverse and save this once great country. I do hope and pray that you are one of those Soldiers of the Cross. That you are ready to put all on the altar and that you will be an active force in politics and culture in America.
And, that you will vote and be active and outspoken in elections 2024!


Episode 262-The 2024 DNC Convention


In this episode of the National Crawford Roundtable podcast, the guys analyze the ongoing Democratic National Convention. The guys will talk about Joe Biden's speech, the various claims from Democrats, the attacks on Trump, the media's slobbering coverage, and Kamala's standing---how big of a bounce will she get from this, and how does Trump counter? We'll also talk about antisemitic protests outside the convention.