Episode 251-The Trump Verdict


Episode 251-The Trump Verdict-What was the general reaction to the conviction?  What are the present legal realities?   What about the record fundraising since the verdict?  Are undecideds and independents all in for Trump, or have people had enough?  Should Christians worry about the long-term effect of defending Trump?  How do we honor God in this?


Student Terrorists


Education in America is in one sad state. Even in some cases, Christian education succumbs to secular pressure, woke-radical influence, even anti-American and anti-Christian influence but, thankfully for the most part, remains a sane and sensible option, certainly for Christians but for truly conservative Americans as well.
The leading secular universities are beset with student terrorist tactics. Those once illustrious universities including Harvard, University of Pennsylvania, Columbia, UCLA, and others are campuses of lawlessness, rebellion, defiance of authority, criminal activity, and a total disregard for the rule of law and constitutional authority. What a tragedy, an unbelievable tragedy which represents the great discontent and divide between Americans today. We the people are indeed a house divided and unless we find a way to correct these problems, and once again realize that our primary responsibility is to be law-abiding citizens of this great country, this house of ours will indeed fall.
These student rebellions and riots are not just mobilized by students. Leaders of these outbursts are often the very professors who are supposedly their teachers. It is simply unbelievable to see these teachers defying university authority, rules and regulations, and even the laws of the city and state. That however is professorial conduct fostered by a radical, woke, anti-American philosophy and point of view.
But more, the riots we see on campus, the takeovers of buildings, and the sit-ins are fostered by outside rabble rousers, some paid to do so by men like George Soros, and his supposedly charitable, nonprofit entities, anti-American to the core. Other paid rabble rousers, rioters, and mini-terrorists are paid for by other extremely wealthy, radical businessmen who, like Soros, are anti-American-anti-Chrisitan as well. These men and women want the end of the America we have always known and loved, and are in danger of losing at least in part if not all together.
But the real actors are the students themselves for the most part. They are responsible for the consequences. They are children, so many of them, without parental guidance and certainly little or no discipline. The influence of a real mother or father is missing in so many cases. They act irresponsibly, they seem to desire attention, and they are more than willing to act out. In so many cases, they really don’t understand the full meaning of why they are doing what they are doing, and acting the way they are acting, nor do they care about the consequences of their actions. There is some uneducated talk about acting under the freedoms of the First Amendment, but that is totally wrong. They talk about their rights to protest, and to assemble, and to petition for redress of their grievances under the First Amendment, but they absolutely plagiarize and corrupt the true meanings, the freedoms and responsibilities, the rights and duties, which the First Amendment allows and requires.
Our beloved and special First Amendment allows for peaceful assembly, not the kind we see at Columbia, and it never allows for trespassing. There is no right, for example, on the part of any student or rabble rouser to unlawfully occupy buildings or otherwise restrict the access of others to those buildings. To do so is a violation of the law, a criminal action, and should be punished as the law requires without exception. There can be no exception for these BRAINLESS BRATS, or these radical and progressive professors, and certainly these AWFUL AGITATORS, paid by radical anti-Americans should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
These so-called protestors, really mini terrorists, violate with impunity the rules and regulations of the universities they attend, including Columbia, Harvard, and the University of Pennsylvania. They also violate with impunity the laws of the jurisdiction of the city, and the state in which the university resides. They should be punished. They should not be suspended from school but expelled. They should not be free from prosecution but disciplined and punished according to their unlawful acts.
They have utterly ignored the rights of other students. They have prevented access to classes, they intimidate and even threaten, and on occasion even do harm to their fellow students. Such conduct is as wrong as it can be.
They chant, bear signs which are anti-Semitic to the core. These students hate Jews and they engage in hate speech against the Jews. One hears chants and sees signs which they bluntly say:
They even wish for a reincarnation of the holocaust. They are violently anti-Jewish, and they have ignored the atrocities committed against the Jewish people by Arabs, Iran, Hezbollah, the Houthis, and of course HAMAS. It is as though October 7 never happened.
They promote BDS, the boycott of all things Israel and Jewish, the divestment of all investment in Israel, sanctions against Israel, and the end of all aid, financial and military, to the only democracy in the Middle East. The main motivation behind these student riots and uprisings is a hatred of the Jews, the re-emergence of a vicious and vitriolic antisemitism. They even invoke the name of Adolf Hitler in their so-called cause.
They trespass upon the private property of others with impunity.
They leave property damage in their wake. They set up their tents and leave refuse and garbage behind, caring nothing about the property or the people who formerly used those spaces.
They rebel against and resist any police action and they have committed violence with impunity against the police who attempt to restore law and order.
They disrupt education. They prevent students, especially Jewish students, from going to classes or attending events. They have created an atmosphere of fear and a lack of individual safety in attending classes, interfering at every turn with the educational process.
They have and they will engage in violence, as the opportunity may occur, no matter if innocent and uninvolved individuals take the brunt of such actions. Whether to property or persons, violence and damage are the end result of these unlawful actions in so many cases.
These student terrorists block access, ingress and egress, to university campuses, classes, and events. They bargain with university officials, who lower themselves in considering the demands of these terroristic student gangs, and the so-called university officials and leaders seem to have no compunction in compromising with these would-be young criminals. The leaders of these student gangs bargain with university officials and even law enforcement for:
for their actions. Woke and radical anti-American district attorneys, law enforcement officers, politicians, and others, so many of them look the other way, do little or nothing, and seem ready to forgive and forget. What an absolute tragedy.
In so many cases, these rioters do not really understand why they are rioting. They don’t know the facts; they are unconcerned with the truth for they live in the day and age of:
where anything goes. Compounding this American tragedy is the fact that these students are fully supported by their very own professors who stand with them, picket, barricade, march, and otherwise encourage this unlawful activity. George Soros and company would be proud. Small wonder Israel no longer trusts America like it once did and is determined to protect and defend its nation, its rights, and its people ALL BY ITSELF, no matter what. It may come to just that.
What a world. We hope and we pray for the peace of Jerusalem, we ask for the intervention of God Almighty, the great G-d Jehovah, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; but the hate, the antisemitism, the worldwide rebellion against law and order, and religion, and especially Christianity, goes on. We cannot forsake Israel, especially we the Christian people. We know that if we bless the nation and the Jews, God will bless us, and if we don’t, we will be cursed, as we are told in the Book of Genesis.
What is happening in the world at large, the Middle East, and in Israel-Palestine, all are signs of the END TIMES. If so, we should be watchmen and women on the walls, watching for the return, the rapture. But in the interim, we should work for the night is coming when no man can work, work for peace, for goodwill, for dialogue, for salvation, for the return of this world to faith, hope, and love. Otherwise, the worst, the very, very worst is yet to come.


Episode 250-Part 1: The Trump Trial, Part 2: June's LGBTQIA+ Pride Month


Episode 250-Part 1: The Trump Trial-Will Trump be found guilty? Acquitted?  Hung jury?  If convicted, will this hurt or help him with Swing voters?  How damaged is the credibility of the U.S. judicial system after a kangaroo trial like this?

Part 2: June's LGBTQIA+ Pride Month-It will be everywhere, in TV shows, commercials, department stores and more.  After last year's backlash, Target stores are scaling back after last year's over-the-top displays and "tuck-friendly" swimwear for kids.  Walmart says they are going all out with "Pride Month" displays and merchandise.  Nintendo is launching a new "Super Mario" video game transgender character.  How should Christians respond to all of this every June?


Memorial Day


In 1971, Congress declared Memorial Day a national holiday to be celebrated on the last Monday in May, echoing the words and sentiments of the proclamation of General John A. Logan of the grand Army of the Republic in 1868 who stated:
“Memorial Day is designated for the purpose of strewing with flowers, or otherwise decorating the graves of comrades who died in defense of their country during the late rebellion (the Civil War) and whose bodies now lie in almost every city, village and hamlet, church yard in the land.”
So it is that the primary purpose of Memorial Day is to strew with flowers literally and figuratively the graves and memories of America’s daring defenders. They the fallen died for freedom, liberty, for America, for us, for YOU AND ME. We were asked to remember those who died in the great American Civil War, but the day to remember now incorporates all who have given lives in defense of our country. Far too many wars, my fellow Americans, and far too many fallen defenders by the millions who believed in America, and in its fundamental principles of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for all mankind. How grateful we should be.
We are descendants or contemporaries of patriots, men and women who cherish freedom and were willing to fight and die to defend it if necessary. These warriors lived by the words of Patrick Henry who said:
Our nation was formed in the fight for freedom for there was no life worthwhile without it. There came our great Constitution and our incredible BILL OF RIGHTS, the rights and freedom amendments which are the finest in the history of mankind. But no matter the origin, it seems as though in so many ways the passion for freedom may have been lost today as they once had it. We seem to take for granted what they died for. And the courage, they the fallen had seems lost today in so many ways and the change in our country, produces in so many ways an America in decline, at least politically, philosophically and certainly passionately. Our ancestors fought for the Constitution, for the Bill of Rights and the freedoms those now 27 Amendments allow us. They were ready to die for them, but we the current people allow them to be watered down, interpreted away and often ignored without the fight or conviction to protect and defend them. Perhaps the freedoms of Patrick Henry are giving way to a slow but sure death. Perhaps we have failed to meet the challenge of Ben Franklin who told us that the Republic they created for us was a marvelous way of government IF we could keep it. I wonder if we can.
So, in the midst of barbeques and baseball, it is so healthy to look back and remember. Remember a George Washington, a general, a leader, a President, a warrior, a patriot. Or a Paul Revere who rode the land warning that the enemy was coming, sounding the alarm. It seems as though we need more Paul Reveres, warning us that enemies to our Constitution and way of life are coming, and in fact are HERE. We the people should be ever mindful of the threats and sound the alarm as he did, like those who energized our country once before, THE BOSTON TEA PARTY PATRIOTS and the revolution their courageous acts energized and inspired. They took a stand against taxes and so must we. Ours continue to rise, and rise to the point of confiscation and nothing but nothing destroys freedom like taxes. President John Adams reminded us that the two killers of liberty are slavery and debt. The debt of confiscatory taxation strangles freedom and that is happening at an incredibly rapid pace today. Shame on us.
It is hard for us to think back and remember the early days in America when slavery, slavery was a way of life in America to our great shame and embarrassment. We the moderns find that inconceivable, and the practice of slavery of any kind abhorrent, do we not? Right-thinking men and women fought and fell to rid America of the scourge of slavery, God bless them.
And to rid the world of despots like Hitler, evil to the core, Mussolini and those who in war would destroy the freedom and liberty of all. God bless them.
There can hardly be a family anywhere in America which has not laid a son or daughter on the altar of freedom. So many fought and fell, lives given willingly for us in war after war. And there were those who supported those who fought. We honor them. Many of our warriors and defenders came home hurt and damaged in body or mind perhaps for a lifetime. On Memorial Day, we honor these veterans of wars, these HEROES, these wounded warriors who gave us our freedom:
A debt we can never repay. To honor them is the least we can do, to thank them as we remember and as we encounter those in our military who follow after them. We should help and support them. They lived and died for what they believed. Whenever I encounter a member of our military, I thank them for what they did and what they do for our great country, for me, and for you, and for my friends and loved ones and all Americans whether I know them or not. But I really do know them for I know what is in their hearts and minds and I know they love America as much as I do. I will salute them as a sign of respect. I wish them to know that I will always be grateful for everything they do for me and the America I love. Perhaps YOU should do the same, not on one Memorial Day, but all days. They the heroes and defenders are the very best of us.
God bless them.
Memorial Day is always celebrated at Arlington National Cemetery, a very special place, a burial site for some of America’s bravest. At 3 PM on that Monday, a very special ceremony occurs and each grave is decorated with a small American flag. The
highlight of the celebration is a speech in honor of these brave men and women from the President or Vice President of the United States honoring their contributions to America and laying a wreath at the tomb of The Unknown Soldier. That tomb represents tens of thousands of other unknown soldiers who gave their lives in service to our country, but in death never got the recognition and respect they so justly deserved. Do remember them, my fellow Americans, do remember them as well on Memorial Day as there may be no one else, no loved one, no friend or family to do so. And as you do remember these American heroes, thank our God, the God who blesses America for all those who gave so much for us. They allowed us to be parents, to have and enjoy family, they allowed us to be workers and fully participate in the great opportunities America offers. THEY allowed us to be all that we can be because our soldiers, they were determined to be all they could be. Have a special place in your heart all week for any loved one, family or friend of yours who should be MEMORIALIZED AND REMEMBERED this day and always.
And, as we pay tribute and remember, let us become better citizens of this great country, ready more than ever to preserve, protect and defend all it stands for, all of our blessed and precious freedoms which exist like there are nowhere else in the world. Let us stand for what is right with actions, protests, town meetings, marches, debate, fact and truth at work, counteracting government spin and disinformation. Let us stand tall for the right, for truth, for all things moral and valuable. Let us resolve, we the people, we who own and control this country to do our job as citizens far better. And remember to cherish and exercise the greatest privilege which every American has. That is:
There is no more powerful weapon than the vote of the American citizen. It is the most precious Constitutional right we have and for which our forefathers fought and died. Let us make certain that we vote for those to represent us who so passionately believe in these very special freedoms as we do, and they the fallen did. It is only then, when we do our part, day in and day out, that we would have the right to say with conviction and passion as our forefathers did:
For that can not happen unless we the people do what is right, remembering whom and what went before and committing with conviction to follow in their footsteps. These men and women died for GOD AND COUNTRY and for you and me in the never-ending fight to protect and preserve:
Memorialize their memories this Memorial Day and every day!
God bless America and God bless you.


Christian Education


Education in America is in a sad state. That is especially so with higher education, colleges and universities.
Traditional education, at every turn, is being challenged, reduced, or eliminated and new educational subjects take hold. Places of higher education have become breeding grounds for radicals, revolutionary tactics, and rebellion against authority and the rule of law. Witness the takeovers and the tents, the camps, and the rabble rousers protesting, and especially exhibiting anti-Israel and anti-Semitic speech and conduct. Ironically, many of these protestors are not even college students, but rather so many paid troublemakers, paid by individuals like George Soros, and entities run by him and his cronies. They stir up hatred. They make unbelievable demands upon the administration, alumni groups, and faculty, and among other things, they demand that the universities sever all ties with the state of Israel and embrace the policy BDS, Boycott-Divest-and otherwise stop all relations with Israel and the Jews.
These rabble rousers are pro-Palestinian, anti-Israel and the Jews, calling for justice on the one hand for starving and displaced Palestinians without ever mentioning the killings of Hamas, the hostages taken and still held, and the barbaric conduct of Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthis, and other Arab nations which hate Israel and the Jews. Secular education has changed and may never be the same.
In addition, there is now an assault by the Biden Administration on CHRISTIAN COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES. Joe Biden, unbelievably our President, purports to be Christian and Catholic and sits back, says nothing, and of course does nothing as DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Secretary Miguel Cardona goes after these Christian schools. They, thank God, refuse to toe the line, walk the liberal walk, and refuse to endorse or support the gay agenda, the attack on the family, parenting, and especially marriage, and of course abortion, all of which the Biden Administration favors and which the DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION supports.
Cardona and, unbelievably so, congressional representative Rosa DeLauro, Democrat (of course) from Connecticut are the attack dogs in the lead. Said they:
The allegations they make are that these universities “lied to students about the cost of education and their programs.” Of course, there is nothing specific, no facts involved, nothing really to refute except this horribly prejudiced, biased generalization, the suit being brought by the Federal Government against the great Christian Universities, Grand Canyon University and Liberty University, incidentally America’s two largest Christian institutes of higher education. I do suppose more will come but these so-called allegations are so minor, so frail, so fact-less and so obviously biased that they are almost laughable. But then again, so much of the conduct of our Federal Government under the Biden Administration is just that. I do wonder how any Jew, true Jew, or any Christian, real Christian, could ever vote for Biden or the democratic party that supports him and these absolutely absurd, prejudiced, anti-American views and policies. What a world.
Grand Canyon University is the largest Christian university in America and a good one. President Brian Mueller describes these allegations, and the lawsuit which followed including the fine, as “ridiculous.” Not stopping there, Cardona and the DOE went after Liberty University and accused them, in a $37 million dollar fine, of “over alleged under-reporting of crimes.” Unbelievable. Of course, there were no facts, nothing specific, but only these biased, general allegations, really nothing more than anti-Christian at the core.
Said President Brian Mueller:
“It's interesting, is it not, that the two largest Christian universities in the country, ours and Liberty University, are both being fined almost the identical amount at the identical time.” Now, said Mueller:
Again, hear the words of Cardona and representative DeLauro:
Cardona and his ilk want not only to fine these great Christian universities, but to actually close them:
There really can be nothing more anti-Christian than such statements and such actions by this liberal, woke, radical, Joe Biden government and administration. Again, how can any true Christian ever vote for Biden or anyone who supports the policies he does? Can you?
Said Jon Schweppe, a conservative spokesperson:
“The Federal government’s education agenda is punishing schools that do not conform to their progressive ideology. It is time we took a stand against this egregious abuse of power.”
Not so, Mr. Schweppe. It is far past time we the Christian people took a stand against this anti-Christian bias, this woke ideological bias, and got rid of them, the evil doers. It is time we voted them out of office, them and the one who appointed them, namely Joe Biden.
GRAND CANYON UNIVERSITY (GTU) has as its motto that its university is:
It stands apart from universities across the country that are facing declining enrollment or unenrollment and the students who wish to attend GCU are only increasing. The decline in enrollment is especially severe at universities which are indoctrinating students with radical politics. They are also failing to defend the American Constitution and rule of law and especially the First Amendment with regard to freedom of religion and freedom of speech among others.
The Goldwater Institute (GI), a conservative group, wrote the following:
“So why then are the Feds targeting GCU, a popular university that seems to be doing everything right? That’s exactly what we’re going to find out.”
President Mueller said that no matter what the Federal Government does, “it has had zero impact on anything that we’re (GCU) doing.”
Mueller went on to say:
“The enrollments are just continuing to grow. The morale (of our students) is very high in terms of our faculty and staff. The campus is extremely vibrant. The students absolutely love this place. They’re extremely loyal to it and so we just keep marching through it.”
Amen, Christian brothers in education, march on, fight on, stand up as soldiers of the cross, and of Christian education, and stand for the excellence in education which GCU has championed all these years. Never compromise and remember the words of Winston Churchill:
So, GCU President Brian Mueller asks for prayer. Pray for them and the great Liberty University. But do more. Perhaps you can give. You can surely write your Congress person and make sure they know about this biased, grossly unfair attack on these Christian universities and Christianity generally, and ask them to intervene. By the way, don’t bother writing to Biden and Company, for that is a letter which is a waste of time and will never be read.
The attack on Liberty University and Grand Canyon University is just typical of the anti-Christian attitude and activities which are permeating our society in America, and so much of the world at large. Yet another reason, my fellow Americans and my fellow Christians, for us to stand up, put on the armor of our Lord and our faith, and:
The battle is here in so many different ways and it is time, aggressively and consistently to respond, to make certain that evil men like George Soros and so many others who are determined to destroy America and Christianity with it, do not prevail. Christian education is absolutely essential today, especially with secular education declining and in such disarray, more so every day. I ask, along with President Brian Mueller, that you render your full support, encouragement, prayers, and even giving to GRAND CANYON UNIVERSITY and as well LIBERTY UNIVERSITY. They stand for truth, for real Christianity, and they stand for real, solid, education in every other respect. In this world of ours, they are the best!