"It’s over! Finally, Elections 2024 are over and done with.
It may have been, say many American legal citizens, the worst elections ever. It was a season of negativity, lies, half-truths, slander, personal attacks, all of which adding up to national and international disgrace for our once-great country. The candidates and their conduct, almost all of them, were indeed an embarrassment to WE THE PEOPLE. Do you feel that way?
Many Americans are deeply concerned. They worry, fret, and are deeply concerned with the future of our country. They worry about the future, do you? They know that most politicians say and do what they need to do in order to get elected, and then, with virtually no compunction, do what they please, join the power structures, and fly their true political colors. They worry. They are afraid. They are concerned. They have little faith in government and rulers. Are you like that? Do you, as seemingly millions of others, believe that the end is near for America, do you?
Our Lord Jesus Christ has a message for you. He says emphatically in Matthew 6:25: DO NOT WORRY!"
"Don’t worry, Christian. Rather, move on, or as Paul says: “PRESS ON FOR THE PRIZE OF THE HIGH CALLING!”"
"DON’T WORRY! And more from scripture:"
"Our God is in control. We may not understand the means, but that control is real. All governments are ordained by God. They come about by His will. So do rulers, dictators, kings and presidents. When it comes to government, elections, and the authority given to those who exercise power:
Nothing happens politically other than as a result of HIS WILL. Nothing. We should never forget that. If we have done everything we can for the good, for right, for justice,"
"we have voted, stood tall, done what we are expected to do, all the rest is up to the God of the universe.
And our God reminds us, constantly reminds us: MY WAYS ARE NOT YOUR WAYS!
My will, which will be done in heaven and on earth, may or may not be something you understand. We should ask for that understanding, that wisdom, and we should pray without ceasing for the answers we seek. But, if we do not understand or agree, we should always recognize that what happens, everything that happens, EVERYTHING is
according to His will. EVERYTHING!"
"If then, we set our affections on things above and not on things on this earth, then and only then will we not worry. Then and only then will we not give a single thought for the morrow, for no matter how much we plan, worry, none of us can add one single
hour to his or her life, no not one. So, says Jesus of Nazareth, don’t worry, DON’T!"
"The more we worry, the more our Lord describes us as persons of: LITTLE FAITH"
"The more worry, the less faith. The more faith, the less worry. We may worry about earthly kingdoms and kings, but Jesus admonishes us to seek first HIS kingdom and HIS righteousness, and all will be well. The structure of His kingdom, the rules and regulations, and the standards for his righteousness never change. They are eternal, abiding, consistent, always just, where love, real love, abounds. So, set your affections there, up there, in there where there is nothing but faith, hope, love, and justice, and
none of it ever changes, NEVER!"
"There are some who seek vengeance for wrongs done. Don’t, says the Lord: VENGEANCE IS MINE SAYS THE LORD. I WILL REPAY!
Not you, but me. We, on the other hand, should:
"And, the Apostle Paul confirms. In fact, Paul says we should rejoice in all things, and he says again, and for the second time, I say:"
"Think positive. Don’t let your heart be troubled. Rejoice in the Lord. GIVE THANKS IN ALL THINGS. All things. Think on those things, says Paul, which are just, pure, lovely,
commendable, praiseworthy, happy, joyful, and loving. And, says Paul, always have"
"hope, grow and stand by your faith, and remember that everything ultimate comes down to one word:
"and especially that of the love of Jesus Christ which passes all understanding!
So, don’t worry, my fellow Christian, DON’T WORRY! Render under Caesar the things
that are Caesar’s. Abide by the law, unless Caesar, the government and its rulers cross over from government to the spiritual realm and trespass on the things of God. Then, you are required to stand up, protest, resist, and do everything in your power to protect and defend the things of God. You are commanded to do that knowing that, with the power of our Lord,:
"You can. So:
Live by the joy of the Lord, never lose faith, hope, or love, and:
"Our Lord tells us that he will guide us with His eye, that He will give us the words we need, that He will meet our needs for food, clothing, and shelter, and so those mighty and reassuring words in Matthew 6:25-31, which you should read, and with this absolutely necessary admonition:
"Our God is in control."